Colombia Cauca Organic - Asobombo
Tasting Notes: Chocolate, brown sugar, dates, key lime, cherry cola
Roaster’s Choice: Medium
Tasting Notes: Chocolate, brown sugar, dates, key lime, cherry cola
Roaster’s Choice: Medium
Tasting Notes: Chocolate, brown sugar, dates, key lime, cherry cola
Roaster’s Choice: Medium
Roaster’s Thoughts
There is no doubt Colombia has the process of growing coffee beans completely figured out. They have diversity in terrain, altitude, and microclimates to grow just about any bean and flavor profile. This top-lot bean sums up, to me, what a great coffee from this origin is all about. It starts out bright, has classic Colombian mid-pallet flavors, and finishes dry, like a fine wine. I’m pretty sure this “dry” finish can be attributed to the proximity to an active volcano that spews ash into the soil where these plantations are located.
Bean Region > Inza, Cauca, Colombia
The organization of Asobombo Inza was formed by a group of small producers in the municipality of Inza Cauca. There are a total of 80 producers, including 12 women and 68 men. This group of smallholder farmers have been working in the area for 8 years now. One of the priorities of the group's formation was to support producers in recovering soil and investing in farmers' crops and income to improve their quality of life. This coffee is grown at 1,500-2,200 masl, and varieties include Caturra, Colombia, and Castillo. The coffee is washed, then sun dried on patios and Marquesinas.
Plant Species: Arabica
Processing: Washed
Variety: Castillo, Caturra, Colombia
Region: Inza, Cauca
Farm Name: 180 producers
Growing Altitude: 1700m - 2200m